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We worship together on Sunday at 11:00 am. We offer in-person worship services as well as Zoom service.  Wearing a mask is optional, but please feel free to wear one for your safety and comfort.



HUCC Fundraiser Meals - ONE DATE LEFT!

If you have not signed up to host a fundraiser meal and are interested in doing so, please sign-up in the Redbook or contact the office and we can get you signed up.  We still have the following dates available: June 15

Loving and Working Together (After Worship: Chow Down, Collaborate, Clean) - NEW! February 16th

  • Chow Down - Meal by Vrieze family and Rinnie Orr (soups) - Sign-up in the Redbook or let the office know at if you plan to attend.

  • Collaborate - During the Meal - Join a table gathering:

    • Be part of a Mission Trip Planning team - One dream for our Council meeting was a Mission trip to the mountains this summer to help in the recovery. So, we are looking for interested folks to help be part of the planning team. We will gather around a table during lunch on February16 to discuss next steps. If you are interested let Michelle G. or Jay K. know.

    • Keeping our Building and Grounds in shape - Join the HUCC Trustees to hear more about what is being revitalized and how you can become part of a Committee that will support the Trustees in routine maintenance activities needed throughout the year (i.e. changing light bulbs, spreading salt, light carpentry work, beautification landscaping work). Brika E. will also lead a conversation to share the "needs" this year, as well as gather thoughts on the "wants" and "dreams."  We are working to develop our Vision 2035 (what we want the church community to physically look like in 2035), and we have some pressing items in 2025 to start with.  We look forward to sharing in the conversation with you.

  • Clean - After the meal - Help with spring cleaning, cleaning up and cleaning out our building.

Anti-Racism/Social Justice Reading Group - February 27th at 7pm

The next book we will be reading is James by Percival Everett. The novel is a new look at the character of Jim from Twain’s Huck Finn by an author known for pushing our imagination and boundaries.  NYT Review says- “This is Everett’s most thrilling novel, but also his most soulful. Beneath the wordplay, and below the packed dirt floor of Everett’s moral sensibility, James is an intensely imagined human being.”

Lenten Discussion Group - NEW! Sundays, March 9th - April 6th at 10am

The Reverend Beth Kennett will be leading a weekly interactive discussion using art and music on “Being the body of Christ in the World.”  Sign-up in the Redbook or let Beth know if you plan to attend.​

Board Game Party - UPDATED! Sunday, March 9th at HUCC

Please join us for our first board game party following worship. Bring a board game or two that you'd like to play, teach and share with the group. Please RSVP We'll have pizza and veggie snacks for the board gamers. So let Rinnie know you are coming so we can plan accordingly!

OCIM Pantry

OCIM pantry is low and needs the following items:

  • Canned Pinto Beans                                                            

  • Pork & Beans

  • Canned Peas and Mixed Veggies

  • Fruit and Applesauce

  • Mayonnaise

  • Jelly

  • Canned Pasta (Ravioli and Beef-A-Roni)

  • Pasta Sauce

  • Crackers

  • Cereal

You can bring the items and place in the baskets in the worship area.

Printable Calendar

Click here to get your FEBRUARY printable calendar

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