Reverend J. Jay Kennett, Pastor
Jay has served HUCC since 2005 first as co-pastor with his spouse Beth and then as sole pastor. He is passionate about creating a church grounded in the inclusive and the extravagant love of God. He seeks to ground worship in that passion in innovative and creative styles. A worship that centers in the biblical stories but is open to modern expressions of faith. He is passionate about social justice and moving church beyond its patriarchal and colonialist past to live as Jesus lived, centered in the lives of people doing the work of justice, love and inclusion. Jay is passionate about children and seeks to hear and include them fully in the life of HUCC, he loves nothing more than to be stopped by a young voice saying "Hey Pastor Jay I need to tell you..". And in all aspects of the church, he is passionate about the ministry of welcome and looks forward to living that welcome and offering it to all. Jay is married to the Reverend Beth Kennett a consultant and coach to churches and churches leaders. And father to Abigal and Emma, two young women who are creating the change the world needs to see.

Gabriel Reynolds, Church Musician
Gabriel joined the church staff as part-time Church Musician in 2018. He brings to his work a passion for music as well as justice and inclusion. He is a professional musician who performs as well as writing and recording his own music under the professional name Wake Moody. He has a folk rock style, and is a big fan of the Beatles classic music. He brings to the work at HUCC an openness to incorporate a variety of styles of music and a desire to have the music enhance the worship experience at HUCC. He also leads our occasional choir at HUCC and encourages others to share their musical talents in worship. To find out more about Gabriel you can go to Gabriel lives in Chapel Hill with his partner Aline and their pup.
Christy Gracia, Church Administrator
Christy joined the church staff mid pandemic in 2020. She has a strong background in bookkeeping and has worked to make the financial workings of HUCC clear and transparent. She provides support to the pastor in administrative duties, coordinates use of the buildings and assures the clerical and supportive work of the community is done with care. She offers a warm welcome to all who visit and call the church during the week. She is married and mother of three grown children, and loves being a grandmother.

Abigal Kennett, Nursery Coordinator
Abigal serves as our Nursery during the worship hour on Sundays. She assures our preschool children are safe and well cared for during worship service. Abigal takes the time to get to know the children and help them to feel comfortable in the nursery space. When not at HUCC on Sunday mornings, Abigal is a fourth grade teacher in the Alamance Burlington School System.