At Hillsborough UCC we are...
We seek to reflect a progressive understanding of the spiritual journey as we engage in thoughtful dialogue about biblical and faith issues. Our Educational studies have included books by Borg and Crossan and faith studies such as Living the Questions. Our Worship is shaped in a “modern liturgical style” for thoughtful and thinking Christians. We seek to move beyond dogmatic authorities, without hierarchies, with acceptance of wide-ranging opinion, and with complete respect for the freedom of conscience of every member.
We seek to include all God's children without regard to race, culture, age, abilities or sexual identity as active members of our community of faith. Our hope is that all will be able to come as they are to the Welcome table of God’s love. We seek to live out our inclusion in many ways from celebrating at NCPride, to working for justice for the least of these, to using inclusive language in worship. We believe that inclusion can reach across the political or theological spectrum to gather us together in God’s love.
We are a creative community of potters, painters, dancers, scientists, writers, teachers and persons across the spectrum of life’s work and passions who seek to bring that creativity to our spiritual life. Our creativity is lived out in creative worship services that engage multiple senses, children’s education programs that use art, drama, cooking and action to teach spiritual truths, and through creatively seeking to answer God’s call to address the needs of our community and world. We seek to be creatively alive as we live out our faith journey.
We put into practice our love for God and our neighbors with a sense of Christian responsibility--for fairness, justice, and openness. This is lived locally by supporting ministries such as OCIM, Food for All and Habitat; and internationally through Church World Service, UCC Global Missions, and individual organizations in places like Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Guatemala and Kenya. We have also put our faith in action by collecting food and school supplies, helping to build a Habitat House, resettling a refugee family and refurbishing housing in mountain communities. Additionally, we seek to care for each other through many acts including offering meals to members dealing with illness and loss as well as a shoulder and listening ear through times of connection and companionship.
Kid friendly
We nurture our children and youth through worship, education, recreation and connections to caring supportive adult mentors. Whether it’s the Sunday Children’s time, Sunday School, the Halloween Bonfire, the Easter egg hunt, Monthly Lunch with youth, confirmation or our family campout, we seek to offer our children and youth a safe place to grow in body, mind and spirit.